Dreaming about summer’s warmth in January? We are, too—and we’re dreaming about the great sessions we have planned for summer professional learning! We’ll soon be announcing this summer’s theme, but no need to wait—get a taste of the fun and inspiration of last summer’s sessions in this short video, and register today!
Videos: Opportunity Culture® Services
Certification Helps Schools See How Their Practices Compare
The certification and validation processes allow schools to see how their Opportunity Culture® designs and implementation compare to other schools and data and research on what works.
Giving All Staff Access to Professional Development: The Opportunity Culture® Portal
All school staff have access to on-demand learning modules and live professional development through our online platform. .
Getting New Leaders Up to Speed: The Opportunity Culture® Portal
Our online platform provides a one-stop repository for planning materials and the means to monitor and adjust school design plans.
The Opportunity Culture® Portal is a One-Stop Shop
Opportunity Culture® portal’s “tools” room houses instructional and leadership resources all in one place.