By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, November 29, 2018
Today’s Hechinger Report highlights Opportunity Culture in Edgecombe County Public Schools, a rural North Carolina district. Noting these “major accomplishments” in Edgecombe County, reporter Tara Garcia Mathewson quotes Erin Swanson, Edgecombe’s director of innovation, saying that Opportunity Culture could be transformational. Read More…
multi-classroom leadership
Opportunity Culture® in the News
By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, May 14, 2018
What’s new with Opportunity Culture? Recent news coverage highlights the growth and successes of Opportunity Culture, an initiative of Public Impact. Read More…
Guilford County Becomes N.C.’s 5th Opportunity Culture® District
By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, April 19, 2018
Under Superintendent Sharon Contreras, Guilford County Schools, based in Greensboro, N.C., has joined the national Opportunity Culture initiative to extend the reach of excellent teachers and their teams to more students, for more pay, within schools’ recurring budgets. Read More
Opportunity Culture® by the Numbers: 2017-18 Dashboard Updates
By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, March 16, 2018
Public Impact analyzes the dashboard results so we can continually improve Opportunity Culture materials and our work with schools and districts. Our goals are to reach all students with excellent teaching and all teachers with outstanding career opportunities and support. Read More…
Finding Inspiration Again Through Teacher Leadership
By Candace Butler; first published by EducationNC, February 23, 2018
“I wanted to inspire more; I wanted to reach more. How could I take this ‘inspiring gig’ on the road?” Candace Butler found her passion for teaching renewed by becoming a multi-classroom leader—leading her teaching team through challenges with repeatedly renewed inspiration. Read More…
Analysis: New Study Finds Huge Student Learning Gains in Schools Where Teachers Mentor Their Colleagues as Multi-Classroom Leaders
By Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan Hassel, first published by The 74, February 13, 2018
In survey after survey, teachers report dissatisfaction with the professional development they receive. Many aren’t satisfied with their professional learning communities or coaching opportunities. Read More…
New Research on Opportunity Culture®: Multi-Classroom Leaders’ Teams Produce Significant Learning Gains
By Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan Hassel, first published by Education Next, January 17, 2018
What if every student actually could have an excellent teacher?According to a new study released through the CALDER Center, it might be possible. Study authors found that students in classrooms of team teachers led by Opportunity Culture “multi-classroom leaders” showed sizeable, statistically significant academic gains. Read More…
Brookings-AIR Study Finds Large Academic Gains in Opportunity Culture®
By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, January 11, 2018
Students in classrooms of team teachers led by “multi-classroom leaders” showed sizeable academic gains, according to a new study from the American Institutes for Research and the Brookings Institution. Read More…
Beyoncé and Teacher Pay: TEDx Talk Tells All!
What does Beyoncé have to do with great teachers? Ranson IB Middle School Principal Erica Jordan-Thomas wants you to know: “There are Beyoncé educators in every single school building dropping number 1 albums year after year in the form of mind-blowing results with...
Days in the Life: Video, Vignette Show the Work of a Successful Multi-Classroom Leader®
When Opportunity Culture® multi-classroom leaders describe their jobs—providing intensive, on-the-job coaching, support for planning, and data analysis leadership to a team of teachers while continuing to teach students, too—they hear the same question: How do you fit...