multi-classroom leadership

Be the Bridge: How Multi-Classroom Leaders Smooth Teacher-Administrator Communication

By Brandon Warren, September 3, 2019

Teachers, how many times has this happened to you?

The classroom door opens, and in comes the principal, maybe with an assistant principal in tow. Your stomach plunges as you think, “Oh my goodness, they’re here, what are they looking for, what do they like, what don’t they like?” Your purpose in teaching that day flies out of your head, and it’s all downhill from there.

How Can We Extend the Reach of Great Teachers? A Q&A with Stephanie Dean on Opportunity Culture®

From Ahead of the Heard, August 19, 2019, by Chad Aldeman

How should we train teachers? How do we ensure that all students have access to great teaching? I reached out to Stephanie Dean, the vice president of strategic policy advising and a senior consulting manager at Public Impact. In that role, Dean is working with schools and districts to implement what they call “Opportunity Culture,” a way to re-organize schools into collaborative leadership teams. 

How to Reach Far More Young Children with Excellent Teaching

By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, August 1, 2019

What if far more children ages 0–5 who are in early childhood education and care settings had consistent access to excellent teaching? In these critical developmental years, young children—especially those who have fewer educational and developmental advantages outside of formal settings—need excellent teaching every year to fulfill their potential.

Opportunity Culture® News: Summer Newsletter, Remotely Located Teacher Leadership

By Paola Gilliam, June 7, 2019

As the school year wraps up and summer planning begins, check out these new and noteworthy posts about Opportunity Culture resources, schools, and educators. Summer Opportunity Culture Newsletter: We publish a quarterly newsletter for educators full of resources, tools, news about Opportunity Culture, and columns by Opportunity Culture educators.

First Look: Remotely Located Teacher Leadership

From EdNC, May 8, 2019, by Sharon Kebschull Barrett

This semester, the College Board and the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) joined with Public Impact’s Opportunity Culture initiative to test the remotely located Multi-Classroom Leadership model: An excellent NCSSM teacher would lead a small team of teachers spread across rural North Carolina districts, which often lack enough teachers who are prepared to ensure student success in advanced classes.

Learning to Lead as a Multi-Classroom Leader®

By Hadley Moore, March 4, 2019; published by EducationNC, April 3, 2019

“The MCL role allowed me to grow and feel confident as an instructional leader. Without this experience, I would not have pursued administration.” Hadley Moore gained skills as a multi-classroom leader that helped her succeed as an assistant principal. Read More…