Results for "video"

Manage Yourself

Manage YourselfTake care of yourself and improve your leadership and professional skills and competencies to achieve consistent performanceMore Detail Managing yourself includes planning, communicating, executing, and improving the following actions:See the one-page...

Support and Develop Individuals

Support and Develop IndividualsProvide support and development to each educator, through co-planning, co-teaching or co-leading, modeling, observing and providing feedback, and coachingMore Detail Supporting and developing individuals includes planning, communicating,...

Build Team Cohesion

Build Team CohesionBuild team spirit and help your team collaborate productively to achieve your common goal of teaching and learning excellenceMore Detail Building team cohesion includes planning, communicating, executing, and improving the following actions:See the...

Launch and Lead

Launch and LeadEstablish leadership by ensuring the right people are on the team and clarifying the team’s vision, goals, roles, and process for collaborating to achieve excellenceMore Detail Launching and leading includes planning, communicating, executing, and...


ShareEngage students and families in each student’s growth by sharing progress and inviting student-driven improvementsMore Detail Share data with students and families about student growth compared with goals students help set includes the following:See the one-page...

Adjust Instruction

Adjust InstructionChange instruction when learning slows—and to help students advance faster—based on monitoringMore Detail Adjusting instruction to meet each student’s needs includes the following: Regroup students Reteach when needed Offer advanced work Personalize...

Monitor Learning

Monitor LearningAssess students’ learning achievement and growth frequently with data—daily and weekly—from the start and continuing through the yearMore Detail Monitoring student learning data during the year includes the following: Align with lesson, unit, and...

Lead the Classroom

Lead the ClassroomLead with purpose and compassion, setting and reinforcing norms for routines and behavior, in face-to-face learning and onlineMore Detail Lead the classroom includes the following:  Influence students with strong posture, voice, and online...

Plan Ahead and Raise Sights

Plan Ahead and Raise SightsPre-plan high standards for each grade/course—with schoolwide curriculum, lessons, and useful assessments up to and beyond standards—to support achievement and growthMore Detail Articulate the vision for teachers, students, and families...


ConnectEstablish strong relationships with students and families to cultivate a culture of learning and respectMore Detail Connecting with students and families to cultivate a culture of learning includes the following: Proactively, positively engage with students and...