Results for "video"

Winter 2017 Newsletter

The Winter 2017 edition of our newsletter for Opportunity Culture educators includes action planners for MCLs and principals, new resources for instructional leadership & excellence, a column by MCL Stacie Bunn (along with an inspiring video), a spotlight on Edgecombe County Public Schools, a report on our recent covening for Opportunity Culture Fellows, and links to many more free resources! Read the Winter 2017 newsletter here.

Days in the Life: The Work of a Successful Multi-Classroom Leader

How do Opportunity Culture multi-classroom leaders fit into a typical week all their duties? This video and vignette follow Okema Owens Simpson, a middle school multi-classroom leader, through several typical days in which she provides what her teaching team needs most.

From Action Plan to Teacher of the Year—in One Year

By Staci Bunn; first published by EducationNC, November 9, 2017

“You didn’t give up. And you listened a lot—you understood where I was coming from.” Multi-Classroom Leader Stacie Bunn interviews her team teacher, Expanded-Impact Teacher Kenyetta Davenport, about how Bunn’s support helped her zoom from being put on an action plan to becoming teacher of the year. Read More…

Use Data for Reteaching

“Data is everything,” to know what students need to fully grasp a concept, Multi-Classroom Leader Stephanie Roper says.

Use Data to See Where to Increase Rigor

Look at daily data points, such as from exit tickets or independent work, to make quick adjustments to increase rigor, Multi-Classroom Leader Kristin Cubbage says.