Results for "video"

Building Team Cohesion: Opportunity Culture® Fellows Share Strategies

By Margaret High, October 30, 2019 

How can multi-classroom leaders (MCLs) build the cohesion of their teaching teams? A panel of five Opportunity Culture Fellows tackled this question—a hot topic among MCLs­—with suggestions that focused on the joy of team leadership as well as how to address challenges with team members.

“My two things are genuinely caring about the people as individuals and as teachers. …And then really not being a know-it-all,” one panelist said. “I’m not coming into the classroom to make you into me. I’m coming in here to make you a better version of you.”

To Teach Reading Right, Understand the Science of Reading

By Margaret High, October 17, 2019 

As CEO of the Mississippi-based Barksdale Reading Institute, Kelly Butler doesn’t mind saying schools teach literacy all wrong. Condensing the science of reading into a one-hour overview presentation for the Opportunity Culture Fellows Convening, Butler issued a clarion call for educators to to follow the science of reading, focusing on phonics, brain development, the five components of reading, and the simple view of reading. Butler’s efforts to spread the word have helped move Mississippi’s reading growth to the top of state rankings.

What Could You Do in an Opportunity Culture®®? (2019)

What could you do in an Opportunity Culture, and why do educators like it? Educators across the country share the support, collaboration, teacher satisfaction, and student learning results they see from implementing Opportunity Culture.

Strategies for Personalization: Learner Variability Tool Can Help

By Margaret High, October 9, 2019

Educators know they can’t design their instructional approach for one “average” student—but finding the right resources to make true personalization possible can be a time-consuming struggle. At their 2019 convening, Opportunity Culture Fellows tested one free tool that can help. Digital Promise, an independent, nonpartisan nonprofit, created its Learner Variability Project to translate the growing body of research on learning for educators and parents. Digital Promise created a whole-child framework that feeds into its free tool, the Learner Variability Navigator, which guides users through the factors they need to address for each student and strategies to match.

What Could You Do in an Opportunity Culture®? (Intro)

What could you do in an Opportunity Culture, and why do educators like it? Hear their thoughts in this brief video.

What Does a Multi-Classroom Leader Do?

Learn about the unique role of multi-classroom leaders (MCLs)—educators who provide intensive support and development to small teaching teams, for more pay, within regular budgets.

Be the Bridge: How Multi-Classroom Leaders Smooth Teacher-Administrator Communication

By Brandon Warren, September 3, 2019

Teachers, how many times has this happened to you?

The classroom door opens, and in comes the principal, maybe with an assistant principal in tow. Your stomach plunges as you think, “Oh my goodness, they’re here, what are they looking for, what do they like, what don’t they like?” Your purpose in teaching that day flies out of your head, and it’s all downhill from there.

Opportunity Culture® Year in Review

By Paola Gilliam, June 24, 2019

Congratulations to all educators for completing another great school year or reaching a summer intercession in Opportunity Culture schools! It’s always exciting to watch what schools using Opportunity Culture do to improve schooling for their teachers and students.