Results for "video"

Despite Challenges, Educators Gave Us Plenty To Be Thankful For

By Paola Gilliam, November 25, 2020

This year has been unrelentingly difficult in many ways, yet educators have repeatedly risen to the occasion. Faced with events—a pandemic, political uncertainty, protests against racial injustice, and more—that have left many of us feeling overwhelmed, educators have been a beacon of hope in their communities through their continued support for their fellow educators, students, and families. We are thankful for educators who have shown compassion, innovation, and determination throughout an incredibly challenging year. Read more…

Winter 2020 Newsletter

The winter 2020 edition of our newsletter for Opportunity Culture educators includes details about an upcoming webinar, resources for teaching reading comprehension, tools and resources for winter planning, an updated video, and more. Read the winter 2020 newsletter here.

Opportunity Culture®: Teaching, Leading, Learning

By Public Impact, November 18, 2020

Why and how should you use Opportunity Culture? Watch our two-part video to get the scoop!

What barriers keep teachers and students from experiencing great support and strong learning outcomes? Part 1 highlights barriers that an Opportunity Culture can remove.

Part 2 details how an Opportunity Culture provides on-the-job, consistent support for all teachers to reach many more students with excellence, learn more, and earn more!

Watch the videos here.

Opportunity Culture®: Teaching, Leading, Learning—Part 2

Part 2—Here’s How: Part 2 of this two-part video details how an Opportunity Culture provides on-the-job, consistent support for all teachers to reach many more students with excellence, learn more, and earn more—by having great teachers lead teams or reach more students directly, with more school-day collaboration and planning time.

In a Texas Opportunity Culture® District, MCLs and Reach Associates Build Partnerships

By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, November 11, 2020

After more than two decades in education, including stints teaching kindergarten and English as a second language, Elizabeth Fernandez had settled into a district role as a data specialist for teaching and learning—until the multi-classroom leader (MCL) role offered her the chance to lead while returning to the classroom.

“When you’re in central office, it’s great, and you do lots of great things,” Fernandez said, “but when you’re at a campus, there’s just an energy and a love—it’s just the kids. I love these kids.”

But the appeal of working directly with kids again would not have been enough on its own, she said. Read more…

On Being a Team Reach Teacher

Team reach teachers work on a multi-classroom leader’s team, directly teaching more students than usual but typically without raising instructional group sizes.

Fall 2020 Newsletter

The fall 2020 edition of our newsletter for Opportunity Culture educators includes new resources for the fall, tools and resources for teaching during COVID-19, a column about one teacher’s journey from a reach associate to a teacher, recent Opportunity Culture videos, and more. Read the fall 2020 newsletter here.