Our Services
Boost learning results in your school with staffing designs and professional learning educators love
Public Impact® can help you go bigger and faster with a range of services to meet any budget:
School Staffing Design with Results
Consulting Services
Our core suite of services—with expert coaching for district and school teams to design new roles, career paths, pay, schedules, budgeting, instruction, and more, at a range of price points. Teams can supplement design and implementation with live professional learning for CEU credit, and monitoring and feedback services.
Monitoring and Feedback Services
A decade of data from thousands of educators helps us guide system and school leaders with benchmark monitoring, our annual educator survey, and coaching for school and team leaders.
Instructional and Leadership
Professional Learning
Our engaging in-person and virtual, live professional learning sessions support educators in schools using Opportunity Culture® roles. The sessions build their expertise in these roles and specific aspects of leadership and instructional excellence, such as building a tutoring culture.
The Opportunity Culture® Portal
Our online platform supports all school design using Opportunity Culture® models, professional learning with certificates for CEU credits, Opportunity Culture® certification, and monitoring and feedback. Pair a low-cost annual portal subscription with our consulting services and professional learning to get bigger results faster.
Get started by registering for these sessions!
Intro to School Staffing Design with Results: Take the first leap into school design—register for this 2.5-hour PL session
See all upcoming events and our team members’ speaking engagements
The Opportunity Culture® Portal
Our affordable online platform supporting all school design and professional learning, the portal guides schools through staffing design and the certification process, and how to monitor, analyze, and improve their Opportunity Culture® implementation at a low cost, using national data about what works and an included basic staff survey option. It includes guidance for teaching teams on small-group tutoring for all students, professional learning for educator and site director roles, and on-demand school design guidance.
School Staffing Design with Results
Our Core Design Consulting Services
Our consulting services include expert co-design and coaching on new roles, career paths, pay, schedules, budgeting, instruction to prepare for Opportunity Culture® implementation and post-implementation monitoring and feedback, with access to our Opportunity Culture® portal. All designs include the Multi-Classroom Leader® role, teaching team roles, and paraprofessional roles. Additional options include teacher resident roles, remotely located Multi-Classroom Leader® roles, and Multi-School Leader™ roles.
School systems can also design on their our own in the portal, with on-demand steps, tools, and recommendations.
Add coaching and/or live professional learning when your budget allows for bigger, faster results.
School Staffing Design with Results Professional Learning
Supplement your team’s learning by adding live school design professional development sessions. Participants may receive certificates of completion that can be submitted for CEU licensure credit, with options for official Opportunity Culture® certification.
School Staffing Design with Results Monitoring and Feedback
Boost your results and educator satisfaction with reviews of your schools’ implementation and recommendations for improvement, an annual survey of your educators comparing to thousands of others across the country, and personalized leadership coaching for principals and teacher-leaders—all based on 10 years of data and our team’s extensive experience leading change.
Instructional and Leadership Professional Learning for Educators
Instructional and leadership professional learning is available for teachers, teacher-leaders, principals, staff, and administrators to build knowledge about Opportunity Culture® roles, creating a tutoring culture, and leadership and instructional excellence. In-person and virtual, live sessions are available in the summer and during the school year; on-demand school design, tutoring design, and some role-specific modules are standard in our portal.
SIMPLE-TC™ Tutoring Design
We offer a five-part live, virtual or in-person series on our framework for building a scalable, sustainable tutoring culture for all.
Educator Professional Learning
Sign up for summer or through-the-year professional learning for educators in these roles, plus additional professional learning for aspiring team and district leaders.
Go big with your impact by reaching more students and educators, with help from our team now!