Manage Yourself

Take care of yourself and improve your leadership and professional skills and competencies to achieve consistent performance

More Detail

Managing yourself includes planning, communicating, executing, and improving the following actions:


Clarify your role—clarify and re-clarify your role as your team and school changes


Improve your own actions, competencies and skills


Contribute to next level of leadership


Stay healthy for long-term performance

See the one-page Instructional Excellence Summary covering all the key elements.

Study Guide

See this printable study guide with discussion questions and real examples from educators:

For Principals and Multi-Classroom LeadersKey Element of Leadership Excellence: Manage Yourself

Tools—For Multi-Classroom Leaders & Other Instructional Teacher-Leaders

These tools can help Multi-Classroom Leaders and other teacher-leaders support and develop their instructional teams:

Multi-Classroom Leader® Action Plannerto see each season in its own document, click on these links: SummerFallWinterSpring

School Turnaround Teachers: Competencies for Success

Multi-Classroom Leader® Competencies Self-Assessment—rate yourself on the competencies an MCL needs

Other Developmental Resources

Check out our curated list of books, videos, articles, tools and other helpful resources.

Other Developmental Resources: Manage Yourself

Videos—For Multi-Classroom Leaders & Other Instructional Teacher-Leaders

Watch these short videos of educators discussing the elements of Manage Yourself, organized by action:

More Videos:

Improve your own actions, competencies and skills

Contribute to next level of leadership

Stay healthy for long-term performance

Discussion Questions

Use these discussion questions to help guide your instructional team through the elements of Manage Yourself:

    1. Do you set improvement goals for each year—one to three, for example—and work toward them? If not, what needs to change?
    2. Consider your career aspirations: If you aspire to advance, what areas do you most need to develop?
    3. Do you incorporate stress-reducing activities into your life? If not, what needs to change?
    4. What one to three changes would you like to make soon, based on the questions above? Set reasonable goals for yourself.

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