Opportunity Culture® Dashboard

As of mid-2024–25, more than 1,000 schools were implementing, planning, or committed* by their districts or states to launch Opportunity Culture® designs. Greater than 90% of designing and implementing schools are eligible for Title I funding.

Schools Earning Certified Opportunity Culture School™ Status


Certification levels convey strength of implementation in key areas, including selectivity of Opportunity Culture® roles, student access to instruction led by Opportunity Culture® teams, incorporation of small-group, high-dosage tutoring into staffing plans, and financial sustainability of staffing plans. With Opportunity Culture® certification and validation, schools and districts can attract applicants looking for support and career paths, and reassure parents, their community, state, and funders about the strength of their instructional system. For details, see here.


These charts show the schools earning Certified Opportunity Culture School™ status, at the levels noted, for 2024–25:


LDOE–Madison Parrish

Level 1

Madison Middle School (Validated)

Tallulah Elementary School (Validated)

Wright Elementary School (Validated)

New Mexico

Carlsbad Municipal Schools

Level 1

Cottonwood Elementary School (Validated)

Desert Willow Elementary School (Validated)


Carlsbad Intermediate School Alta Vista (Validated)

Carlsbad Intermediate School P.R. Leyva (Validated)


These charts show the schools awarded the new Certified Opportunity Culture School™ designation, all at the provisional level, for 2023–24:


Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

Grange Middle School

North Carolina

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

Albemarle Road Elementary School

Albemarle Road Middle School

Allenbrook Elementary School

Ashley Park Pre K-8 School

Bain Elementary School

Ballantyne Elementary School

Ballantyne Ridge High School

Barnette Elementary School

Berewick Elementary School

Berryhill Elementary School

Billingsville Cotswold Elementary School

Blythe Elementary School

Briarwood Academy

Bruns Avenue Elementary School

Carmel Middle School

Chantilly Montessori School

Charles H. Parker Academic Center

Charlotte East Language Academy

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Academy

Charlotte Mecklenburg Virtual School

Clear Creek Elementary School

Cochrane Collegiate / iMeck Academy

Collinswood Language Academy

Cornelius Elementary School

Coulwood STEM Academy

Croft Community School

Crown Point Elementary School

David Cox Road Elementary School

Davidson K-8 School

Devonshire Elementary School

Dilworth Elementary School

Dorothy J. Vaughan Academy of Technology

Druid Hills Academy

East Mecklenburg High School

Eastover Elementary School

Eastway Middle School

Elizabeth Lane Elementary School

Elizabeth Traditional Elementary School

Elon Park Elementary School

Endhaven Elementary School

Esperanza Global Academy

First Ward Creative Arts Academy

Garinger High School

Governors’ Village STEM Academy (Lower)

Governors’ Village STEM Academy (Upper)

Greenway Park Elementary School

Grove Park Elementary School

Harding University High School

Hawk Ridge Elementary School

Hawthorne Academy of Health Sciences

Hickory Grove Elementary School

Hidden Valley Elementary School

Highland Mill Montessori Elementary School

Highland Renaissance Academy

Hopewell High School

Hornets Nest Elementary School

Huntingtowne Farms Elementary School

Idlewild Elementary School

Independence High School

Irwin Academic Center

J.H. Gunn Elementary School

J.M. Alexander Middle School

James Martin Middle School

Joseph W. Grier Academy

Julius L. Chambers High School

Knights View Elementary School

Lake Wylie Elementary School

Lawrence Orr Elementary School

Lebanon Road Elementary School

Lincoln Heights Montessori School

Long Creek Elementary School

Mallard Creek Elementary School

Mallard Creek High School

Marie G. Davis IB World School (K-8)

Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School

McAlpine Elementary School

McClintock Middle School

Merry Oaks International Academy

Metro School

Mint Hill Elementary School

Mint Hill Middle School

Montclaire Elementary School

Mountain Island Lake Academy

Myers Park High School

Myers Park Traditional Elementary School

Nations Ford Elementary School

Newell Elementary School

North Academy of World Languages

North Mecklenburg High School

Northeast Middle School

Northridge Middle School

Northwest School of the Arts

Oakdale Elementary School

Oakhurst STEAM Academy

Oaklawn Language Academy

Olde Providence Elementary School

Olympic High School

Palisades Park Elementary School

Parkside Elementary School

Paw Creek Elementary School

Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology

Pineville Elementary School

Pinewood Elementary School

Piney Grove Elementary School

Polo Ridge Elementary School

Quail Hollow Middle School

Rama Road Elementary School

Randolph Middle School

Ranson Middle School

Rea Farms STEAM Academy

Reedy Creek Elementary School

Reid Park Academy

Renaissance West STEAM Academy

Ridge Road Middle School

River Gate Elementary School

River Oaks Academy

Rocky River High School

Sedgefield Middle School

Sedgefield Montessori Elementary School

Selwyn Elementary School

Shamrock Gardens Elementary School

Smithfield Elementary School

South Pine Academy

Southwest Middle School

Starmount Academy of Excellence

Statesville Road Elementary School

Steele Creek Elementary School

Sterling Elementary School

Stoney Creek Elementary School

Thomasboro Academy

Trillium Springs Montessori School*

Tuckaseegee Elementary School

Turning Point Academy

University Meadows Elementary School

University Park Creative Arts School

Villa Heights Elementary School

Walter G. Byers School

West Charlotte High School

West Mecklenburg High School

Westerly Hills Academy

Whitewater Academy

Whitewater Middle School

Wilson STEM Academy

Winding Springs Elementary School

Windsor Park Elementary School

Winget Park Elementary School

Winterfield Elementary School

*this school is now closed


Chatham County Schools

Bonlee Elementary School

George Moses Horton Middle School

Chatham Central High School

Columbus County Schools

Acme-Delco Elementary School

Chadbourn Elementary School

Tabor City School

West Columbus School

Cumberland County Schools

Anne Chesnutt Middle School

Brentwood Elementary School

C. Wayne Collier Elementary School

Cliffdale Elementary School

Douglas Byrd High School

Douglas Byrd Middle School

Elizabeth Cashwell Elementary School

Howard Hall Elementary School

Loyd Auman Elementary School

Manchester Elementary School

Montclair Elementary School

Westover Middle School

Edgecombe County Public Schools

D.S. Johnson Elementary School

EDGE Academy of Health Sciences

Edgecombe Early College High School

Fairview Elementary School

G.W. Bulluck Elementary School

G.W. Carver Elementary School

JW Parker Middle School

Martin Millennium Academy

North Edgecombe High School

Phillips Middle School

South Edgecombe Middle School

SouthWest Edgecombe High School

Tarboro High School

W.A.Pattillo Middle School

West Edgecombe Middle School

Elizabeth City/Pasquotank County Schools

Northeastern High School

Pasquotank County High School

River Road Middle School

Weeksville Elementary School

Guilford County Schools

Ben L. Smith High School

Bessemer Elementary School

Ceasar Cone Elementary School

Ferndale Middle School

Johnson Street Global Studies

The Academy at Smith High School

Walter Hines Page High School

Moore County Schools

Aberdeen Elementary School

Pinecrest High School

Southern Middle School

Nash County Schools

Bailey Elementary School

Benvenue Elementary School

Coopers Elementary School

Englewood Elementary School

M.B. Hubbard Elementary School

Middlesex Elementary School

Nash Central Middle School

Nashville Elementary School

Red Oak Elementary School

Rocky Mount Middle School

Spring Hope Elementary School

Winstead Avenue Elementary School

Rockingham County Schools

Moss Street Elementary School

Reidsville High School

Reidsville Middle School

South End Elementary School

Rowan-Salisbury School System

China Grove Elementary School

Elizabeth Hanford Dole Elementary School

Hurley Elementary School

Vance County Schools

Aycock Elementary School

Clarke Elementary School

Dabney Elementary School

E.O. Young Elementary School

L.B. Yancey Elementary School

Pinkston Street School

Zeb Vance Elementary School

Wake County Public Schools

Durant Road Middle School

Knightdale High School

North Garner Middle School

Southeast Raleigh Elementary School

Wakelon Elementary School

Wilson County Schools

B.O. Barnes Elementary School

Charles H. Darden Middle School

Edgar T. Beddingfield High School

Forest Hills Middle School

Frederick Douglass Elementary School

Gardners Elementary School

Hearne Elementary School

John W. Jones Elementary School

Lee Woodard Elementary School

Lucama Elementary School

Speight Middle School

Stantonsburg Elementary School

Vick Elementary School

Vinson-Bynum Elementary School

Wells Elementary

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Ashley Academy Elementary School

Bolton Elementary School

Carver High School

Cash Elementary School

Cook Literacy Model School

Diggs-Latham Elementary School

East Forsyth Middle School

Easton Elementary School

Flat Rock Middle School

Forest Park Elementary School

Griffith Elementary School

Hall-Woodward Elementary School

Hanes Magnet School

Ibraham Elementary School

Kimberley Park Elementary School

Konnoak Middle School

Mineral Springs Elementary School

Mineral Springs Middle School

North Forsyth High School

North Hills Elementary School

Parkland High School

Petree Elementary School

R J Reynolds High School

Smith Farm Elementary School

South Fork Elementary School

Union Cross Elementary School

Walkertown Elementary School

Walkertown Middle School

Ward Elementary School

Winston-Salem Preparatory Academy


Aldine Independent School District

A.W. Jones Elementary School

B.E. Johnson Elementary School

Chester W. Nimitz Senior High School

Clifford M. Dunn Elementary School

Earl & Hazel Harris Elementary School

Grantham Academy for Engineering

Impact Leadership Academy at Wilson

Lawrence A. Eckert Elementary School

Odom Elementary School

Reed Academy for Engineering

Smith Elementary School

Willie B. Ermel Elementary School

Beaumont Independent School District

Beaumont United High School

Ector County Independent School District

Blackshear Magnet Elementary School

Bonham Middle School

Bowie Middle School

Buddy West Elementary School

Chester W. Nimitz Middle School

David Crockett Middle School

Dowling Elementary School

Edward K. Downing Elementary

Elisha Pease Elementary School

Goliad Elementary School

L.B. Johnson Elementary School

Lauro F. Cavazos Elementary School

Noel Elementary School

Odessa High School

Sam Houston Elementary School

San Jacinto Elementary School

Wilson and Young Middle School

Zavala Elementary School

Fort Worth Independent School District

Hazel Harvey Peace Elementary School

O.D. Wyatt High School

Westcreek Elementary School

Midland Independent School District

Abell Junior High School

Alamo Junior High School

Barbara B. Yarbrough Elementary School

Barbara Fasken Elementary School

Bonham Elementary School

Burnet Elementary School

Bush Elementary School

De Zavala Elementary School

Emerson Elementary School

Fannin Elementary School

Goddard Junior High School

Greathouse Elementary School

Henderson Elementary School

Jane Long Elementary School

Jones Elementary School

Legacy Freshman High School

Legacy High School

Midland Freshman High School

Midland Senior High School

Pease Communications & Technology Academy

Quanah Parker Elementary School

Ralph Bunche Elementary School

Rusk Elementary School

Ruth Cowden Scharbauer Elementary School

San Jacinto Junior High

Santa Rita Elementary School

South Elementary School

Uplift Education

Uplift Ascend High School

Uplift Ascend Middle School

Uplift Crescendo Primary School

Uplift Elevate High School

Uplift Elevate Primary School

Uplift Meridian Primary School

Uplift Mighty High School

Uplift Mighty Middle School

Uplift Mighty Primary School

Uplift Summit International Primary School

* In 2024-25, 690 schools are implementing Opportunity Culture® designs, reaching nearly 200,000 students. Additionally, Opportunity Culture® sites have committed more than 310 schools to launch Opportunity Culture® designs in the next few years. Schools counted as “committed” include only those to which states or districts have committed formally via a grant agreement, a published strategic plan (such as a state ESSA plan), a contract with Public Impact®, or some other means. For sites that have committed to a range, this count uses the minimum of that range. For sites that have committed to “up to” a certain number of schools, this count uses 75 percent of that maximum, rounded to a whole number.