Opportunity Culture® Dashboard
In 2023–24, the average supplement for Multi-Classroom Leader® educators was 23% of average pay. Since the initiative began in 2013, $78.8 million has been reallocated to higher educator pay.
Teacher Pay Supplements in Opportunity Culture® Sites 2023–24
Highest Opportunity Culture® (OC™) Supplement | $25,000 |
Average Multi-Classroom Leader® (MCL™) Supplement | $13,513 |
Average MCL™ Supplement as Percentage of Average Teacher Salary 1 | 23% |
Average OC™ Supplement Paid to Teachers 2 | $11,174 |
Range of OC™ Supplements for All Teachers | $1,500 – $25,000 |
Range of Reach Associate™ Supplement 3 | $1,000 – $5,000 |
Range of Salaries Paid to OC™ Teacher Residents 4 | $18,000 – $25,000 |
Approximate $ Reallocated to Higher Pay in 2023–24 3 | $20.9 million |
Approximate $ Reallocated to Higher Pay Since OC Launch 3 | $78.8 million |
1Average is calculated using state average teacher salary in states implementing Opportunity Culture® models, weighted by the number of MCLs per state. Source: NEA Research. (2024). Rankings of the States 2023 and Estimates of School Statistics 2024. Retrieved from http://www.nea.org/
2Teachers in advanced roles include the Multi-Classroom Leader®, Master Team Reach Teacher™, and Team Reach Teacher™ roles. See Teachers page for descriptions of these roles.
3 Reach Associate™ (RA™) role range and totals reallocated include only extra RA™ pay received in the form of fixed dollar supplements. Some also earn extra pay by being placed in a higher step on the assistant pay scale.
4Teacher resident salaries are not included in the reallocated totals.