Opportunity Culture® Videos

Proactively, positively engage with students

Classroom meetings help to form bonds with your students and build a community of learners, say Katie McAuliffe, a fourth-grade teacher, and her multi-classroom leader, Sean Carberry.

Involve students in setting their own goals

Students need to know where they are educationally and where they want to be so they understand what steps to take to reach their goals, as Candace Butler demonstrates.

Model eagerness for learning

The excitement is contagious as Multi-Classroom Leader® Lara Harris shows her students how to tell a great story.

What Does Opportunity Culture® Mean to You?

Opportunity Culture helps provide support and opportunities through having multi-classroom leaders, students at North Edgecombe High School in Tarboro, N.C., say.

How Does Having a Multi-Classroom Leader® Help You?

Students at Hairston Middle School in Greensboro, N.C., appreciate the extra support and encouragement they get from Multi-Classroom Leader® Angela Porter, who helps them believe “anything is possible.”

Teach Boldly: Vance County Schools

Educators in Vance County Schools explain what they love about Opportunity Culture® and the new teaching roles it offers them.

Why Choose an Opportunity Culture®?

Teachers, principals, and superintendents describe the impact Opportunity Culture has made in their schools’ student and teacher growth.

Opportunity Culture® Gets Results

Principals and superintendents describe some of the positive impacts of Opportunity Culture on student achievement and school culture.

With Opportunity Culture®, Teaching is a Team Effort

Multi-classroom leaders (MCLs) describe the collaborative relationships formed in an Opportunity Culture, making teaching a supportive, true team effort.