Opportunity Culture® Videos

Plan Engaging Lessons Focused on Critical Standards

High school Multi-Classroom Leader Hadley Moore explains her approach to choosing engaging texts that challenge all students focus on critical standards. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Engage Students in Learning and High Goals

Multi-Classroom Leader Tonya Reaves explains how she works to engage students in lessons that help them track and reach their high goals. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Set High but Attainable Individualized Goals

Multi-Classroom Leader Erin Burns explains her process of reviewing students’ data to set very high goals that students can reach without burning out. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Use Available Data to Plan Ahead and Set and Impart High Goals

Master Reach Teacher Jimmel Williams explains his process for thoroughly reviewing all available data ahead of the school year to set goals for each student. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Summer Planning Means More Time to Help Students Individually

By doing the bulk of her lesson planning over the summer, Blended-Learning Teacher Lori Treiber frees her schoolyear time to focus on individual student needs. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Summer Planning Enables Quick Start

For Multi-Classroom Leader Ellen Rayburn, summer vision-setting, reflecting on instruction, and planning means her students get a quick start each year. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Set Pacing Calendar Before School Begins

Summer instructional and assessment planning is crucial to ensure students’ learning growth stays on track, Multi-Classroom Leader Sean Carberry says. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Use Summer Planning to Set Goals That Close Gaps

Multi-Classroom Leader Kristin Cubbage explains how she sets high goals during summer planning and professional development for her teaching team to achieve success with students. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn...

Learn Your Strengths; Reflect on Improvements

Multi-Classroom Leader Jessica Smith says understanding personal strengths and weaknesses helps teach and lead well. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Reflect on How to Keep Improving

Keep improving by reflecting on how to tweak your approach, to be sure students get your best every day, Multi-Classroom Leader Lauren Woodworth says. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Seek Out Coaching and Feedback as a Team Leader

Multi-Classroom Leader Ellen Rayburn explains her evolution in the types of coaching she requests to improve her team leadership. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Real-Time Coaching™

Multi-Classroom Leader Molly Whelan details the protocol for doing in-the-moment coaching through headsets, from pre-conference through coaching through post-conference This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.