By Public Impact, August 26, 2021
Are your back-to-school emotions at a high pitch this year—a mix of hope and joy and concern? This month’s newsletter provides resources that may help soothe some concerns and set you up for success with your teaching teams and students—plus news about Opportunity Culture districts and a feature on a multi-classroom leader who had the opportunity to meet with U.S. Secretary of Education Cardona. What would you share with Cardona if you had the chance? Tell me—and let me know what helped in this newsletter, and what you need in future editions. Meanwhile, please share this with your colleagues so they can sign up for future newsletters!
What’s Happening
Opportunity Culture® News and Views
One teacher’s message for Secretary Cardona
By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, first published by EducationNC, August 16, 2021
When multi-classroom leader Kenyatta Davenport got the chance to talk to U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, her message was simple: Teachers haven’t given up, but we need your support to get students back on track after the coronavirus — and fast.
Simple — and short, since she had limited time to speak to Cardona when he visited Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools on July 12. But Davenport would definitely tell him more if she had the time. Read More…
Growing Opportunity Culture® Residencies in Texas
Public Impact, July 22, 2021
Bringing a fresh approach to teacher training, five more Texas school districts will be providing yearlong, paid teacher residencies on teaching teams led by excellent teachers in the 2021–22 school year, by implementing Opportunity Culture roles in partnership with local universities and US PREP National Center (University-School Partnerships for the Renewal of Educator Preparation). Read more…
Welcome New Fellows; Connect with OC Educators! June Opportunity Culture® Newsletter
By Public Impact, June 17, 2021
Welcome to the 2021–22 Opportunity Culture Fellows! Public Impact announces with pleasure our seventh cohort of Opportunity Culture Fellows. This year’s eight fellows are all Opportunity Culture principals who have achieved strong results and been leaders in their schools and districts. Read the full newsletter…
Public Impact® Announces 2021 National Cohort of Opportunity Culture® Fellows
By Public Impact, June 17, 2021
Public Impact announces with pleasure the seventh cohort of Opportunity Culture Fellows, made up of eight principals who have achieved strong results in their schools and districts.
Fellows provide support to their cohort, take one another’s ideas back to their schools, write columns or lead webinars about their experiences, and speak locally and nationally about their Opportunity Culture roles. Their feedback and leadership are invaluable in helping to improve the Opportunity Culture initiative, and all materials related to it. Last year, for example, fellows shared their expertise in these webinars and columns.
Opportunity Culture® 2020-21 Dashboard Results, Tools, MCL Column: May Opportunity Culture® Newsletter
By Public Impact, May 25, 2021
In 2020–21, Opportunity Culture roles continued to provide a model of support that kept spreading, even in an exceptionally challenging year for educators, students, and families.
Each year, Public Impact analyzes the Opportunity Culture dashboard data to improve its materials and its work with schools and districts. With the overarching goal of reaching all students with high-growth learning, Public Impact has expanded the initiative’s participating schools by 50 percent each year, on average—helping schools and districts make changes that educators love, with increased career opportunities and support.
Annual Opportunity Culture® Dashboard Update Highlights Growth, Educator Support in 2020–21
By Public Impact, May 13, 2021
In 2020–21, Opportunity Culture roles continued to provide a model of support that kept spreading, even in an exceptionally challenging year for educators, students, and families.
As the Opportunity Culture Dashboard shows in its 2020–21 update, 13 more districts joined the Opportunity Culture initiative, founded and led by Public Impact. Nationally, Opportunity Culture sites now reach over 83,000 students with excellent teaching and over 3,400 teachers with advanced roles or on-the-job support and development on teaching teams. Read more…
Upcoming Webinar: Opportunity Culture® in North Carolina
By Public Impact, April 30, 2021
Tuesday, May 11, at 4:30 p.m. ET, Public Impact will host an online session featuring three Opportunity Culture educators to share information about Opportunity Culture roles and positions available in N.C. districts for 2021–22. Thanks to MCL Yolande Dixon of Vance County Schools, Principal Paul Travers of Guilford County Schools, and former Reach Associate—now teacher— Delmonika Vick of Edgecombe County Public Schools for sharing their stories in this session. Register here! (The session will also be recorded to view later at
Teacher of the Year column, Tools, News: April Opportunity Culture® Newsletter
By Public Impact, April 30, 2021
The April newsletter includes resources for multi-classroom leaders and principals, a column by the Baltimore City Public Schools Teacher of the Year, updates from Opportunity Culture districts, video playlists, and more. Read the April 2021 newsletter here.
Resources, Videos, News: March Opportunity Culture® Newsletter
By Public Impact, March 30, 2021
The March newsletter includes resources for recruiting and hiring for Opportunity Culture roles, a blog about one Texas teacher’s experience as an Opportunity Culture resident, Public Impact’s brief about federal policy recommendations, video playlists, and more. Read the full March 2021 newsletter here.