Beverley Tyndall

ESSA Opportunities for Excellence: New Real Clear Ed Column

In a new column for Real Clear Education, Public Impact®'s co-directors, Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan Hassel, highlight the opportunities through ESSA for state leaders to achieve excellence: State and district leaders have a great new opportunity under the 2015...

ESSA: New Law, New Opportunity

State and district leaders have a chance under ESSA (the 2016 Every Student Succeeds Act) to use their new funding flexibility to take a new approach that focuses on excellence for teachers, and students.

Understanding the Opportunity Culture® Principles

This two-page guide helps schools and districts implementing Opportunity Culture school models and roles interpret the five Opportunity Culture Principles. The principles help schools ensure that roles extending the reach of excellent teachers and principals to far more students, and to their colleagues, are sustainable and effective.

High-need, San Antonio-area District Joins Opportunity Culture®

The Harlandale Independent School District, in south-central San Antonio, Texas, has joined the national Opportunity Culture® initiative to extend the reach of excellent teachers and their teams to more students, for more pay, within recurring budgets. The Texas...

How to Radically Improve Teacher & Principal Preparation

How can new teachers and principals start their jobs prepared for educational excellence, and how can the schools that hire them know they’re ready to excel? In today’s preparation systems, no one is fully getting what they need—not aspiring teachers and principals,...

Paid Educator Residencies, Within Budget

Paid Educator Residencies, Within Budget: How New School Models Can Radically Improve Teacher and Principal Preparation details how to create paid, full-time, yearlong residencies for aspiring teachers and principals, within existing budgets.

SCSD Schools Begin Transition to Opportunity Culture® Model

Published June 20, 2016 on As part of a Districtwide strategy to provide more time for teacher collaboration, a focus on excellent teaching and an overall positive change in school culture, SCSD schools are transitioning to an Opportunity...

How to Lead a Schoolwide “Team of Leaders”: Tools for Principals

In the most successful Opportunity Culture® schools, principals lead a team of multi-classroom leaders—strong teachers who lead small teams and are accountable for outcomes in each grade and/or subject—to ensure instructional excellence schoolwide. Successful...