Beverley Tyndall

Demonstrate Faith That Students Can Meet High Expectations

Students come alive when given challenging work plus a demonstrated faith they can do it, Multi-Classroom Leader Hadley Moore says. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Analyze Parents’ Needs to Create Worthwhile Family Events

Find events that draw parents’ interest and get students excited, to bring parents in and build connections, says Multi-Classroom Leader Kellie Brotherton. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Classroom Meetings Build Teacher-Student, Student-Student Bonds

Multi-Classroom Leader Sean Carberry on the importance of classroom meetings that build collaborative, comfortable, supportive classrooms in which each student feels a vested interest in their classmates' feelings and success. This video is part of the Instructional...

Morning Meetings Strengthen Class Culture

Sharing highs and lows through whole-group morning meetings helps build trust and genuine relationships with students, Multi-Classroom Leader Tonya Reaves says. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Plan Engaging Lessons Focused on Critical Standards

High school Multi-Classroom Leader Hadley Moore explains her approach to choosing engaging texts that challenge all students focus on critical standards. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Engage Students in Learning and High Goals

Multi-Classroom Leader Tonya Reaves explains how she works to engage students in lessons that help them track and reach their high goals. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Set High but Attainable Individualized Goals

Multi-Classroom Leader Erin Burns explains her process of reviewing students’ data to set very high goals that students can reach without burning out. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Use Available Data to Plan Ahead and Set and Impart High Goals

Master Reach Teacher Jimmel Williams explains his process for thoroughly reviewing all available data ahead of the school year to set goals for each student. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Summer Planning Means More Time to Help Students Individually

By doing the bulk of her lesson planning over the summer, Blended-Learning Teacher Lori Treiber frees her schoolyear time to focus on individual student needs. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Summer Planning Enables Quick Start

For Multi-Classroom Leader Ellen Rayburn, summer vision-setting, reflecting on instruction, and planning means her students get a quick start each year. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.