Beverley Tyndall

“Speak the Excellence” as Mentor and Coach

Master Reach Teacher Jimmel Williams discusses how he sets the proper tone of mutual respect in his classroom, and takes the role of mentor and coach for students with often highly challenging lives. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence...

Lead Firmly but Warmly

Multi-Classroom Leader Tonya Reaves discusses her balance of fun and firmness to set the right tone for learning and success. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Show Struggling Students You Notice Them

“Students notice when you notice them,” Multi-Classroom Leader Ellen Rayburn says, explaining how she wins students’ trust to move past their learning deficits. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Engage Parents Through Ongoing Communication

Multi-Classroom Leader Kathryn Smith explains her efforts to show parents how they can best help their children learn, and celebrate their successes. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Help Students Start Fresh After Bad Days to Build Trust

Relationships with students grow stronger if you give them the chance to start fresh after a bad day, Multi-Classroom Leader Kellie Brotherton has found. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Incorporate Student Interests Into Lessons to Build Bonds

Engage students in their learning by making personal connections with them within the instruction, Multi-Classroom Leader Stan Whalen says. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Connect with Parents to Understand Students

Multi-Classroom Leader Russ Stanton discusses the importance of connecting with parents and using other simple methods to understand his students and their needs. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Back High Expectations with Steadfast Support

Master Reach Teacher Jimmel Williams holds students to high expectations, but with unwavering support for students struggling with learning or outside issues. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.