By Tu Willingham; first published by Georgia Public Broadcasting, May 23, 2018
“I have never been part of a more thoughtful, practical, and effective classroom model than this.” For Expanded-Impact Teacher Tu Willingham, leading an aspiring teacher throughout the year not only helped him effectively reach more students, but also increased classroom efficiency and allowed him to boost the school’s home-grown teacher pipeline. Read More…
Beverley Tyndall
Teachers Kept Quitting This Indianapolis School. Here’s How the Principal Got Them to Stay
From Chalkbeat, May 9, 2018 by Dylan Peers McCoy
When Jeremy Baugh took the helm as principal of School 107 three years ago, staff turnover was so high that about half the teachers were also new to the struggling elementary campus, he said. For his first two years, the trend continued — with several teachers leaving each summer.
Guilford County Schools Joins Opportunity Culture®
April 19, 2018, CHAPEL HILL, N.C.—Under Superintendent Sharon Contreras, Guilford County Schools has joined the national Opportunity Culture initiative to extend the reach of excellent teachers and their teams to more students, for more pay, within schools’ recurring budgets. Read the full press release…
Spring 2018 Newsletter
The Spring 2018 edition of our newsletter for Opportunity Culture educators includes a summary of a recent study showing strong student learning gains in Opportunity Culture schools with multi-classroom leaders, a column by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools MCL Candace Butler, a spotlight on recent teacher-leader award winners, and links to free resources to use now! Read the Spring 2018 newsletter here.
Finding Inspiration Again Through Teacher Leadership
By Candace Butler; first published by EducationNC, February 23, 2018
“I wanted to inspire more; I wanted to reach more. How could I take this ‘inspiring gig’ on the road?” Candace Butler found her passion for teaching renewed by becoming a multi-classroom leader—leading her teaching team through challenges with repeatedly renewed inspiration. Read More…
Opportunity Culture® Columns
Opportunity Culture multi-classroom leaders, blended-learning teachers, and elementary school subject specialists write a series of columns that appeared on and then on The 74, and elsewhere.
When Teachers Leave Midyear, Multi-Classroom Leadership Keeps Classes Strong
Multi-Classroom Leader® Molly Whelan joins her school’s principal, Erica Jordan-Thomas, for a conversation about the benefits of the Opportunity Culture MCL role—especially when midyear turnover leaves a teaching team short, or with a long-term substitute.
New Study Finds Huge Student Learning Gains in Schools Where Teachers Mentor Colleagues as Multi-Classroom Leaders
From The 74, February 12, 2018, by Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan C. Hassel
In survey after survey, teachers report dissatisfaction with the professional development they receive. Many aren’t satisfied with their professional learning communities or coaching opportunities. Teachers say they want more on-the-job development, career advancement while teaching, and collaboration time.
When Teachers Leave Midyear, Instructional Teacher-Leadership Keeps Classes Strong
By Molly Whelan; first published by EducationNC,
“You’re ensuring that every kid has access to high-quality instruction.” With Multi-Classroom Leadership, principals and teachers can face the inevitable challenge of losing teachers midyear. Multi-Classroom Leader® Molly Whelan interviews Principal Erica Jordan-Thomas about the MCL model. Read More…
Opportunity Culture®: In the News, On the Radio–and a Milken Award!
By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, January 26, 2018
Multi-classroom leaders have been in the spotlight this week! Read More…