What Could You Do in an Opportunity Culture®?

by | March 17, 2015

View an updated version of this video, and many others, here.

“The best of both worlds.”

“There’s no other job like this.”

“This is one of the greatest opportunities teachers have to increase their salary, as well as increasing their skill set, their strategies, and their leadership abilities. I think it’s an amazing opportunity that you just cannot get anywhere else.”

“I think kids are thriving in the environment. I think it’s really powerful.”

“As a professional, this has been the most feedback and constructive criticism in creating this teacher that I’ve always aspired to be, and now I have the support to do it.”

What could you do in an Opportunity Culture®? For the teachers in the latest Opportunity Culture® video, the possibilities seem far greater than in their former one-teacher-one-classroom roles. As they note, an Opportunity Culture® gives them the chance to earn more, learn more, reach more students, and support and lead other teachers.

Teachers, watch and share this video with your colleagues–and then go see what job openings are posted in Opportunity Culture® schools at OpportunityCulture.org/jobs/.

Districts, if you’re doing an Opportunity Culture®, share this with potential hires. If you’re not doing it, see what you’re missing!

Policymakers, hear directly from teachers and administrators about why an Opportunity Culture® appeals to excellent teachers and those aspiring to excellence–then see how you can make an Opportunity Culture® possible.

This video can also be viewed on Vimeo. View an updated version of this video.

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