Opportunity Culture® Virtual Site Visit

During site visits, participants observed a team leader co-teaching with a team teacher at Legacy Senior High in Midland ISD...
...and a team leader meeting with her teaching team at Sam Houston Elementary in Ector County ISD.

Public Impact, which founded the national Opportunity Culture® initiative, periodically collaborates with districts to host site visits that allow visitors to see Opportunity Culture® roles in action. The videos on this page come from the daylong site visit hosted in April 2022 by two neighboring Texas school districts, Midland and Ector County—to whom we offer many thanks for their time and hospitality! Their generous educators allowed site visit participants into their classrooms to see how Multi-Classroom Leader™ teams, which included Reach Associate™ paraprofessionals and teacher residents, collaborate to improve student outcomes and teacher experiences.

For more information about this staffing design or future in-person site visits, contact us!

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