Since 2017, the Vance County, N.C., school system has used Opportunity Culture® teaching teams to improve teacher retention and student learning. How has the district sustained implementation through a pandemic and transition to a new superintendent? Superintendent Cindy Bennett discusses what the district values in the support these teams provide, and how it continues to learn and adjust its use of the model—with a focus on Aycock Elementary, now in year six of implementation and exceeding the state’s expectations for student learning growth.
For N.C. Superintendent, Opportunity Culture® Teams Lead to a “Return on Instructional Investment”
Related Links:
- Keeping Advanced Roles Alive and Thriving: Vance County’s Experience—Blog Post
- Teach Boldly: Vance County Schools—Blog Post
- Spreading Support in Vance County During At-Home Learning—Blog Post
- Personalize learning for educators, not just students—Educator column
- Best of Both Worlds—Blog Post
- I Wish Every School Had Opportunity Culture—Blog Post
- Voices from Vance: How Opportunity Culture® Is Working for One N.C. District—Blog Post