Public Impact®, December 13, 2021
We wish you all happy holidays and a rejuvenating winter break; we continue to hear from Opportunity Culture® educators across the country about how very challenging this school year has been for many of you. If you would like to share your story, please email me so we can chat briefly, to include in a future newsletter. Thank you!
—Sharon Kebschull Barrett, editor
Tools You Need Now
For multi-classroom leaders:
- For planning ahead: Action Planner for MCLs—Winter
- For a visual snapshot of your MCL team: Organizational Chart Template—Multi-Classroom Leader® Teams
- To highlight what MCL teams should focus on: MCL Team Meeting Sample Agendas
For principals
- For planning ahead: Action Planner for Principals—Winter
- To communicate Opportunity Culture® plans: Communication Planner
- For a visual snapshot of instructional leadership and teams in your school: Organizational Chart Template—Instructional Leadership and Teams
- To clarify roles and responsibilities: School Roles and Responsibilities Chart
- For planning weekly meetings: Standing Agendas for Leading Instructional Team of Leaders
Note: Public Impact® and Opportunity Culture® are registered trademarks; Multi-Classroom Leader® and MCL™ are trademarked terms, registration pending.