Resources, Videos, News: March Opportunity Culture® Newsletter

by | March 30, 2021

By Public Impact®, March 30, 2021

The March newsletter includes resources for recruiting and hiring for Opportunity Culture® roles, a blog about one Texas teacher’s experience as an Opportunity Culture® resident, Public Impact®’s brief about federal policy recommendations, video playlists, and more. Here’s a quick preview:

Resources You Need Now!

Have you checked out all the resources Opportunity Culture® offers on instructional leadership and excellence? Start here for curated resources on critical elements of instructional leadership and excellence for teachers, multi-classroom leaders, and principals, including:

  • Video clips of teacher-leaders and principals who have achieved high-growth student learning
  • Discussion questions and printable study guides for developing your team and yourself, with real examples from educators
  • Training links for ongoing professional development
  • Other developmental resources including books, videos, articles, and tools

As spring is finally springing, see complete action planners for MCLs and principals, broken down by season:

And as recruitment and hiring for Opportunity Culture® roles kicks into high gear, principals and MCLs may find these items, along with the video playlists below, useful:

Read the full March 2021 newsletter here.

Note: Public Impact® and Opportunity Culture® are registered trademarks; Multi-Classroom Leader® and MCL™ are trademarked terms, registration pending.

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