Opportunity Culture® in the News

by | November 3, 2020

By Sharon Kebschull Barrett, November 3, 2020

Opportunity Culture®’s effects on teachers and students have been in the news recently; don’t miss these stories in Tuesday’s Education Dive:

  • Three Ways to Build Teacher Retention: Mentoring, professional development, leadership opportunities… A virtual webinar on teacher retention for the National Summit on Improving Effective Personnel for Children With Disabilities featured Public Impact®’s Troy Smith, who noted how Opportunity Culture® career pathways let teachers advance without having to move out of the classroom.
  • Rubric for Recovery: ELs Face More Hurdles Amid Lost In-Person Learning: Multi-classroom leaders and educators in Opportunity Culture® schools in Texas, North Carolina, and Indiana shared what they are doing to focus on English language learners.

Note: Public Impact® and Opportunity Culture® are registered trademarks; Multi-Classroom Leader® is a trademarked term, registration pending.

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