Lead Instructional Excellence with New Tools, Resources

by | February 6, 2020

By Public Impact®, February 6, 2020

To help Opportunity Culture® multi-classroom leaders, their teaching teams, and other teachers lead student success, Public Impact® has added to its suite of instructional excellence support. Our tools and professional development are based on experiences and feedback of top Opportunity Culture® educators, as well as hard research.

We provide a free, full set of tools on Instructional Leadership and Excellence to help educators master each element—free training, teaching team study guides, educator videos, and other help for teachers, multi-classroom leaders, principals, and others in Opportunity Culture® schools.

New instructional excellence tools:

  • Instructional Excellence Support Guide: Overview and Support Tool—This guide provides detailed actions for each element in the Instructional Excellence Summary, and help for multi-classroom leaders in using that detail to guide and support teachers. Two detailed action lists are linked (Connect; Lead the Classroom), with more coming in 2020.
  • Instructional Excellence Summary—This handy tool summarizes the critical elements of instructional excellence in one page. It is based on the strategies of outstanding, high-growth teachers who have worked in schools served by Public Impact® and the common elements of several leading instructional experts, whose work is listed within. See the two new action lists (Connect; Lead the Classroom) below; action lists show key steps for each element in the Instructional Excellence Summary.

Don’t miss the newest study guides and accompanying action lists for two key elements of instructional excellence:

  • Connectestablishing strong relationships with students and families to cultivate a culture of learning and respect. Study Guide and Action List
  • Lead the Classroomleading with purpose and compassion, setting and reinforcing norms for routines and behavior, in face-to-face learning and online. Study Guide and Action List

For curriculum guidance, Public Impact® offers two resources:

And for help in teaching reading, Public Impact® provides overview tools on the science of reading:

Public Impact® will continue to produce materials and trainings to help multi-classroom leaders bring the best curricula and pedagogy to their teams. For more tools and PD, see Tools and Professional Development You Need Now.

Note: Public Impact® and Opportunity Culture® are registered trademarks; Multi-Classroom Leader® and Multi-Classroom Leadership™ are trademarked terms, registration pending.

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