Twelve Memphis Charter Schools Will Be Implementing Opportunity Culture® This Fall

From Teach901, January, 29, 2020

In an effort to extend the reach of excellent teachers and their teams to more students, an initiative known as Opportunity Culture® will launch in select local schools this fall. Developed by the organization Public Impact®, the Opportunity Culture® model helps schools and districts design an innovative structure to extend the reach of excellent teachers to more students by asking them to lead small teaching teams that work with larger numbers of students.

What makes the Opportunity Culture® model so effective in schools is a two-fold approach. First, the structure extends the reach of top performing teachers across teams of teachers and students. Second, it creates an environment within schools where teachers can be promoted into senior roles without having to leave the classroom. Creating this structure leads to an increase in leadership opportunities—and offers more increased pay potential within schools’ budgets.

With the support of the Memphis Education Fund, Opportunity Culture® will be implemented in Memphis at Compass Community Schools, Memphis Scholars, Leadership Preparatory Charter School, Frayser Community Schools, and STAR Academy. These partners include 12 schools and expand the Opportunity Culture® reach by over 3,300 students! Read the full post…

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