Relevance, Authenticity, Agency Key to School Culture Buy-In

From Education Dive, January 14, 2019, by Shawna De La Rosa

School culture is important, but it can be difficult for administrators to control. Culture can impact student attendance, learning and test scores. It can even affect teacher retention. Once created, a culture is difficult to change since it’s reflective of student and educator attitudes. Administrators can create a plan for change, but it ultimately has to have buy-in from the school community.

Students are capable, however, and can do amazing things when given the opportunity and support. When given the chance to work on and create these changes, students are learning social-emotional skills like problem-solving and collaboration. Read the full article…

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District of the Year: Ector County ISD

From K-12 Dive, by Anna Merod, November 27, 2024 Five years ago, Texas’ Ector County Independent School District was significantly underperforming, said Scott Muri, the district’s superintendent emeritus. Today, it’s a different story. When Muri joined as the...

Educators get first-hand look at ECISD Opportunity Culture

From Odessa American, by Ruth Campbell, November 7, 2024 Now in its fifth year of implementing Opportunity Culture, Ector County ISD got some visitors from across the state and country Thursday to see how it’s done. Educators from Florida and Fort Worth and officials...

MISD welcomes visitors to highlight strategic staffing initiative

From Odessa American, November 7, 2024 School district leaders from across Texas were in Midland Wednesday to observe Midland ISD's successful implementation of Opportunity Culture. The visit included campus tours, observing classrooms at South Elementary and Alamo...