In the News: Opportunity Culture® Appearances

by | November 15, 2013

Recent Opportunity Culture® news:

  • Focus federal funding on access to excellent teachers: What is one appropriate and effective way for the federal government to catalyze a transformation of America’s public education system? Federal investments could play a pivotal role. In a new brief Public Impact® wrote for the Center for American Progress, Giving Every Student Access to Excellent Teachers: A Vision for Focusing Federal Investments in Education, we suggest four policy levers the federal government could use to allow excellent teachers to lead their peers and reach nearly all students by 2025. Read the brief now; more on this next week.
  • Bryan Hassel talks to Students Matter: Read the interview (no longer available online) with Public Impact® Co-director Bryan C. Hassel on the “Education Innovation” blog series for a brief overview of his Opportunity Culture® work.


Note: Public Impact® and Opportunity Culture® are registered trademarks.

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