October 26, 2012 – In this abridged version of the Commentary that appeared in Education Week, Celine Coggins of Teach Plus joins Public Impact®‘s Bryan Hassel and Emily Ayscue Hassel to discuss why schools and policymakers must expand the impact of excellent teachers, now. With new information demonstrating the great variation in teacher effectiveness and the availability of better teacher-evaluation systems, schools have increasingly accurate data to identify which teachers are exceptional. Plus, recent reports have shown that early-career teachers want more opportunities for leadership and professional growth in the classroom. School reform efforts that do not acknowledge these two crucial trends are bound to fall short. Read the full Education Next blog post to learn how schools can create an Opportunity Culture® that embraces excellence and opportunity for students and teachers alike.
Expanding the Impact of Excellent Teachers
August 16, 2012 - Public Impact®'s Bryan Hassel teams up with Celine Coggins of Teach Plus in this Commentary for Education Week. They argue that school reform efforts that do not expand the impact—and number—of excellent teachers are bound to fall short. Schools must...