Opportunity Culture® Videos

Create Process for Consistent Coaching

To focus on powerful instructional strategy improvements, create a consistent process that entire instructional team of leaders follows, Principal Erica Jordan-Thomas says.

Select Staff Based on Solid Vision

Set a clear vision for what teacher-leaders will do, and select carefully to fit the vision, Principal Janet Moss says. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Choose Teacher-Leaders Carefully

Success begins with careful selection of MCLs with a service attitude who can establish trust and lead adults well, Principal Janet Moss says. This video is part of the Instructional Leadership and Excellence series. Learn more here.

Use Data for Reteaching

“Data is everything,” to know what students need to fully grasp a concept, Multi-Classroom Leader Stephanie Roper says.

Use Data to See Where to Increase Rigor

Look at daily data points, such as from exit tickets or independent work, to make quick adjustments to increase rigor, Multi-Classroom Leader Kristin Cubbage says.