How Principals Use Multi-Classroom Leadership in School Turnarounds

principal vignette coverAn Opportunity Culture® Vignette Series

All vignettes [pdf] | Michelle McVicker [pdf] | Alison Harris Welcher [pdf] | Christian Sawyer [pdf] | Video

In this series of three vignettes, we profile Michelle McVicker, Alison Harris Welcher, and Christian Sawyer’s use of the Multi-Classroom Leadership model that enabled them to create and lead a team of teacher-leaders in their schools in Nashville, Tenn., and Charlotte, N.C. All three created their own strategies to lead their teams of multi-classroom leaders (MCLs), but clear themes emerge in these profiles about what worked best to enable the MCLs to lead their teaching teams in producing strong learning growth in their students. Their strategies, though targeted for their low-performing, high-poverty schools, can inspire principals at all types of schools and with all types of students.

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For Families with Language Barriers, What Worked in Remote Learning?

By Paola Gilliam, December 8, 2021 Lea esta viñeta en español. Many Opportunity Culture® districts serve significant numbers of students whose families speak primarily Spanish. How did the spring 2020 shift to remote learning affect them, and did they have any new...